The ePF Pulse is an absolute powerful model under the ePowerFun E-Scooter, equipped with an extremely powerful motor. With the “MTC Set 6” you will receive exclusive tuning for access to the scooters on the market. That’s the saying: Soon the enormous potential of the mighty Antriebs can be fully realized!
The ePF Pulse is the new flag for the popular ePowerFun E-Scooter. These are the absolute highlights of these high-end electric scooters with a fully federated battery, blinker, self-supporting 10 zoll air traffic, three battery variants with large battery packs and a top control electronics from Hobbywing, the RC car world. This results in extremely fine performance regulations and perfect dosierbaren Bremsen. Especially the power consumption is due to the extremely powerful and powerful 48V motor.
The leader is the enormous power of the ePF pulse transmission with a maximum speed of 20 km/h. This is damage, the motor could actually fall faster. If you dare to drop the speed and load, the ePF-Pulse Motor will be blocked, so that the last Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung will eventually be removed. And that is clean bald possible!
That will happen in few weeks “MTC Set 6: Mountain Tuning Controller and Display for ePowerFun ePF PULSE” on the Market. With these geniuses the tuning kit of the E-Scooter is finally completely complete and falls faster than before!
The MTC Set 6 is a tuning kit, including three elements, name controller, display and display cover. Beim Einbau müssen der originale Controller und des Display deines ePF Pulse-E-Scooters durch die neuen Elemente ausgetauscht.
The MTC Set takes care not to exceed the 20 km/h speed limit, but also includes additional highlights, including those Zero start und Tempo mat Features.
How good are your experiences during your stay?
After installing MTC 6 Tuning Sets since, with full battery and 75 kg load, the speed of up to 31 km/h can be reached. With half-full power and 110 kg, the speed is approx. 26-28 km/h realistic. Ok, we’ve got this – it sounds like it should be after all, but thanks to the strong Antriebs, it also works fine km/h after falling more. In the end, the result is more dynamic and floating, which in turn results in a truly positive result!
Beachte bitte: Nur beim MTC Set 6 deals es ich um das original Mountain Tuning Set, in their own right original Hobbywing Controller enthalten ist. Other sets with controllers from others can be repaired with the ePF-PULSE E-Scooter without any damage! Take advantage of the MTC Set 6 for the ePF-Pulse E-Scooter.
Please take a look at the tuning details below for free Uniscooter App (Apple & Android). It is important to note that the construction of the Tuning Kits depends on the ePowerFun App and that the UNI Scooter App has been spoiled, but the Tuning could have been damaged.
The UNI Scooter App offers this specific destination:
-Max Speed individually set. Depending on the application, the high speed limit can be adjusted from 6 km/h to 31 km/h. Falls due to a lower signal speed, and at a speed of 31 km/h would occur at a speed of 24 – 25 km/h. So you may first be interested in re-tasting those higher experiences.
-Watch between three different modes: Eco at 12 km/h, Normal with 25 km/h und Sport with 31 km/h Höchstgeschwindigkeit.
-Legal per Doppelklick: The App can also be used to reduce the Max Speed in Sport Mode. Since then, the Geschwindigkeiten in den Oder Modi auch entsprechend verringert. The maximum speed is 20 km/h in Normal Mode and 9 km/h in Eco Mode. In other words: If you use the Sport Mode at 25 km/h, you can expect a fast speed with a double click in the Normal Mode and speed than with legal speeds of 20 km/h (per double click on the display). Fahrmodi wechseln).
– Tempo function: With the UNI Scooter App you can activate a practical tempo function. With the same speed, the ePF-Pulse Scooter has an active driving experience, so this is especially important for long periods of time, allowing for better performance.
Einfacher Einbau
Whoever buys, buys the MTC Set 6 with a Tuning Kit, both with the original Controller and the Display of the E-Scooters from new, new components are included (everything is included).
The environment is not very quiet, and it is possible to enjoy the time and the history of the problem.
How about the MTC Set 6 – and what are the costs?
The MTC Set 6 for ePF-Pulse E-Scooter Tuning will be reviewed starting at the end of November, and will be available in December 2024. Both professionals from EBikeTuningShop will receive the Tuning Kit for an absolute minimum price of only 99 Euro!
Our special tip: With unserem Gutscheincode “EScooter.Blog” erhältst du 10 Euro Rabatt buy your own ePowerFun ePF-Pulse E-Scooters “here”! You can also order the ePF Pulse Gutschein “EScooter.Blog” and you will receive 10 euros for the purchase price.
Hinweis: Bitte beachte, dass Fahren mit getunten / entsperrten E-Bikes in Deutschland nur laubt ist in Bereichen, auf denen die Straßenverkehrsordnung nicht gilt, zB auf Privatgelände.

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Author EBT
#Tuning #ePFPulse #EScooter