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Home Electric scooters A wide range of tuning chips and sets for Xiaomi and Ninebot

A wide range of tuning chips and sets for Xiaomi and Ninebot

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Let’s read more about that is in the World of E-Scooter Tunings. Besonders EdisonEvo hat sein Assortment of leistungsstarken Tuning-Kits und -Sets für Xiaomi and Ninebot continuously there. In this article we will show you how Edison Evo shows products in the context of the different tuning chips that revolutionize the models that were developed and were made with them Sets (suitable for Controller and Display) in detail what it has.

What is EdisonEvo?

EdisonEvo is the new führende Anbieter im Bereich E-Scooter Tuning. With the Speedmaster365 Series bitetet EdisonEvo Lösungen, um das maximal Potenzial aus deinem Xiaomi Oder Ninebot E-Scooter herauszuholen. I would like to know that the tuning chips are of the same quality as possible, but the Edison Evo products are optimized for optimal performance and that the performance of the scooters is improved.

Tuning Chips vs. Sets: Der Unterschied

Tuning Chips

  • Tuning chips are the more convenient, single option. They have the best physical limitations of these E-Scooters, so you can up to 30 km/h or more driving opportunities.
  • Advantages: They are fast and easy to install and more convenient as tuning sets.
  • Night owls: If you optimize the motor support of the energy consumption, there is less efficiency and better battery performance.

EdisonEvo Tuning Sets (Controller + Display)

  • Diese Tuning-Sets ersetzen sowohl den Controller if that too Display deines E-Scooters. Dad will not be happy with the experience, without the combined support and support of the scooters.
  • Advantages: Die Sets bieten nicht nur mehr Geschwindigkeit, without any changes Driving modesoptimize the Energy consumption and extend the Lifespan of the Scooter. You have the power, the battery life and the individual motors.
  • Night owls: Since the teurer and the Einbau is as simple as with a single chip.
SpeedMaster 365 EdisonEvo 1

EdisonEvo Speedmaster365: From V1, V2 und in Kürze V3

See them later Blogbeitrag hat EdisonEvo sein Angebot um die Speedmaster365 V2 and V3 erweitert, die speziell für new Modelle entwickelt. Here is an overview of the different versions:

Speedmaster365 V1

  • Compatible with changes to Xiaomi models Xiaomi 1S, Xiaomi M365 and Xiaomi Pro2.
  • Performance data: Speed ​​of up to 30 km/hGrundoptimierung der Steuerung und Akkunutzung.
  • Recommend for: Useful scooter models that provide a cost-effective tuning solution.
  • Product link: Speedmaster365 V1 at

Speedmaster365 V2

  • Compatible with Xiaomi 4 and Xiaomi 4 Lite (1st Generation) either alone Ninebot Models of the first generation.
  • Performance data: Supported both 10s as well 12s Batteries were a natural improvement in battery life. Geschwindigkeit von up to 35 km/h.
  • Advantages: Optimierte Akkunutzung und Motorsteuerung, was especially in the high-quality areas of Vorteil ist.
  • Product link: Speedmaster365 V2 at

Speedmaster365 V3

  • Compatible with the newest models who Xiaomi 4 Ultra, Xiaomi 4 Pro, Xiaomi 4 (2nd Generation) sowie Ninebot G30D II and G2D.
  • Performance data: Provide a better quality of life and stability. Geschwindigkeit von up to 35 km/h.
  • Advantages: Maximale Power-Steigerung, greater Flexibilität bei der Geschwindigkeitsregulation (6 km/h, 15 km/h, 20/25 km/h). Abwärts compatible with alternative models.
  • Product link: Speedmaster365 V3 at

Overview of the Xiaomi and Ninebot Models

Xiaomi Models

  • Xiaomi 1S
  • Xiaomi M365
  • Xiaomi Pro 2
  • Xiaomi 3
  • Xiaomi 4 Lite (1st and 2nd Generation)
  • Xiaomi 4 (1st and 2nd Generation)
  • Xiaomi 4 Pro (2nd Generation)
  • Xiaomi 4 Ultra (2. Generation)

Ninebot Models

  • Ninebot G30D (1st Generation)
  • Ninebot G30D II (2. Generation)
  • Ninebot G2D

Are Sets more effective than Chips?

Tuning Chips beets are black, a quick solution for the health benefits, while the focus is on the surface of the health limits. This means that there are no additional options for optimizing both Control and them Energy consumption deines Scooters beets. Der Einsatz von Tuning Setsespecially the combination Controller and Displayit is possible for you, the Battery consumptionwho Engine control and that Driving modes deines E-Scooters to optimize. It is possible to have a faster journey, without having to worry about the high altitude and the lifestyle of the scooters.

Read more about this blog post

Since then we will have new functions in the future EdisonEvo App sehen. The App does not have any additional features Fine absorption immunity deines Scooters. You chance that Engine powerthe Battery status and that quickness supervise and adjust. Particularly practical: In the App there are different modes, you can change your speed quickly, you will be able to use it later, or you can test more information.

Zukunftsaussichten: Was kommt als Nächstes?

Obwohl EdisonEvo is prepared for a new standard in the range of E-Scooter tuning set up, which means you can always improve your products and develop new products. If you have any questions, please check the available versions of the tuning sets or more options. Personalization beets, especially in Bezug auf Engine control and Driving dynamics.

Fazit: EdisonEvo bleibt der Vorreiter im Tuning

EdisonEvo hat sich als führender Anbieter von Tuning Sets etabliert, die nicht nur die Geschwindigkeit, without die gesamte Performance and Efficiency optimizing deines Scooters. Während eeninfache Chips immer noch eine beliebte Wahl sind, beets die Speedmaster365-Sets deutlich more Optionen und Vorteile. Wenn du wirklich das Maximum aus deinem Scooter herausholen möchtest, sind die Tuning-Sets von EdisonEvo die richtige Wahl.

Discover the new ones Speedmaster365 Versions and enjoy yourselves, who you can enjoy with EdisonEvo the best with your Xiaomi or Ninebot E-Scooter.

Here you can find EdisonEvo products: EdisonEvo at

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Author EBT

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