1.Assessment – Deciding on the right number, size, technology and setup for the charging
points requires careful analysis of your business’s needs, as there is no one-size-fits-all-
solution. To build in operational efficiency, it is essential to take the time to specify your
charging infrastructure carefully and ‘future-proof’ plans that allow for growth and changes
within your business.
EV technology is constantly evolving, with more manufacturers entering the market and
offering new solutions. While having more options to choose from does provide an
advantage, it also demands additional research before investing. Designing an energy
infrastructure strategy which balances long-term goals with interim objectives is also vital to
planning ahead for future needs.
2.Investment – Electrical infrastructure requires both upfront and ongoing running costs, which can be financed in several different ways. Plus, securing a new or larger grid connection –
which most businesses need to accommodate the increased load that EV charging requires –
will incur added costs. If you choose to work with a Distribution Network Operator (DNO),
there are costs for capacity reservation and grid reinforcement that may increase the Capital
Expenditure (CAPEX) needed for your project.
For businesses with limited capital for large infrastructure investments, working with an
Independent Distribution Network Operator (IDNO) can reduce the cost of a new or
upgraded grid connection. IDNO’s can provide businesses with cash-back in the form of an
Asset Adoption Value (AAV) – a rebate which DNOs are not able to offer.
And by working with a specialised energy partner who can fund, build, own and operate the
required on-site electrical infrastructure, businesses can remove CAPEX requirements
completely. Instead, replacing them with predictable Operational Expenditure (OPEX) costs,
and enabling businesses to move towards net zero sooner, which offers a distinct cashflow
3.Operations – Once you have installed EV chargers and all necessary electrical infrastructure, it needs management on a day-to-day basis. Operating high voltage electrical infrastructure is not straightforward, and requires specialist knowledge and experience.
To ensure equipment is legally compliant and operated safely, effectively and efficiently,
owners must invest in trained and qualified in-house resources, or can outsource operations
and maintenance. But legal responsibility for all compliance and safety will still rest with the business owner, unless they elect to divest the ownership of their electrical assets to an
experienced energy partner.
A Power-as-a-Service model offers the unique advantage of having a specialist taking on full
operational and legal responsibility for a company’s electrical infrastructure – not just the
maintenance, but compliance with all legal, environmental and technical regulations too.
4.Upgrades and renewals – There will come a time when infrastructure needs to be upgraded
and/or modernised. As it becomes older, efficiency wanes and the probability of failure
becomes greater due to the electrical stress under which it operates. Even the best high
voltage infrastructure is not immune to age-related faults; it is not a question of if upgrades
or renewals will be required, but when.
Energy specialists can often detect – and correct – faults before they become a cause for
concern, making it vital to have routine check-ups for all EV fleet infrastructure.
If you have opted for a service and asset-adoption model such as Power-as-a-Service,
upgrades and replacements are part of the service; so if a transformer fails, it will be
replaced free of charge and monthly fees will remain fixed. If you decide to own your own
electrical infrastructure, then you will also need to plan for periodic CAPEX investments to
keep your infrastructure safe and operational.