Date: 10 October 2022
Location: Delft / The Hague region, Netherlands
Focus of the Symposium
The purpose of the E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium is to discuss the challenges that arise with increased power demand due to electric vehicle charging, and how they can be met by coordinating with renewable power production in the electrical system (hence the combination with the Solar & Wind Integration Workshop). The selection of topics also highlights the need for integrating the required electric vehicle charging infrastructure with the expansion of the distribution and transmission system.
The Symposium offers a prime opportunity to discuss the significant future impact of E-Mobility on power system design and operation. It aims to bring together experts on electric vehicles, charging infrastructure, power system operators, and stakeholders of the renewable energy industry as well as power system regulators and universities.
Topics of the Symposium
Project Experience with EV Grid Integration
Grid Forming Aspects and Experience
Power System Aspects with high shares of EVs
Distribution Grid Issues
Market and Regulatory Aspects
Charging Infrastructure Planning & Smart Charging
High Power Charging
Vehicle to Grid incl. Ancillary Service Participation
Charging Methods + Standardization of Charging Modes / Communication
Communication and Security Aspects
Grid Integration Modelling Aspects
Grid Code Issues and Future Aspects
Decarbonization of Energy Sectors
Electrification of Urban Mobility
Mobility as a Service
AI and Machine Learning for Grid Integration
E-Mobility and Renewable Energy Integration
For questions regarding your abstract submission, the online registration or general information please contact
Workshop Organizer
Energynautics GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Str. 7
64293 Darmstadt
CEOs Thomas Ackermann Ph.D.,
Eckehard Tröster Ph.D.
Phone: +49 (0) 6151 78581 00
Mobile: +49 (0)151 22 66 19 55
Fax: +49 (0) 6151 78581 71